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   Frequently Asked Questions  

Q:  What do I have to do to be involved with PAC? 


A:  Any parent or teacher is welcome to come to a PAC monthly meeting to help plan activities and have an opinion.


Q:  What I cannot attend a meting but still want to help?

A:  Attendance at meetings are not required to be a member. By attending Amsterdam School, you are already a member. If you are interested in helping, in any way, you're in!! Contact an PAC officer with questions or email us.


Q:  How do I stay informed about PAC business? 


A:  PAC tries to keep al families informed via meeting minutes and announcements. Some questions can be answered by viewing the school website and the PAC tab. However, officers and members always welcome questions.


Q: Why should I get involved? I am busy enough!


A:  As part of the Amsterdam School community, we're all trying to do everything we can to help our kids. There is a lot to do and this can be done with many hands make little work. We don't want to make you busier but something as simple as making a couple of phone calls for prizes or making some food or helping serve or wrap presents really help. Don't forget the joy and happiness you see in the kids' eyes when the activities PAC works hard to provide happen.


It is a perfect way to be directly involved in YOUR child's life here at Amsterdam School, build relationships with other families and stay up to date on your school.



If you have any other questions for PAC, please email



  Amsterdam School, 6360 Camp Creek Road, Manhattan MT 59741 

(406) 282-7216 

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